I am being blessed with an extraordinary life. The sick cells, the weak body and the heart which loves Allah (Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala) are the elements of my life. The more the clock rotates; the more I become weaker and the more I see my mother’s tears.

It’s all about life; that sometimes my friends ask me how I manage to be the same old Abdullah , who was known to be the best amongst us, back in school. Many people around me consider my life to be dead. It’s because my life does not have any more rooms left for music, matinee, chitchats and anything with which I used to waste my time.

The elderly ladies, who pay me a visit never fail to whisper their worries to my parents, saying: “We wonder why your son Abdullah is bed ridden, he is just twenty two”.

I saw the turning point in my life, when the doctor told that I’ve developed with cancer.

Yes, cancer.

I know all of us have our own full stops. I also know that not all of us are blessed with signals for the arrival of our own full stops. Along with the pain of my sickness, Allah (Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala) gave me the power to bear them all; for He (Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala) never burdens any soul beyond its scope.

I must say nothing in this world shakes me more than the tears of my parents and the loving hugs of my buddies. The love my heart carries for my loved ones softly kills me when I realize that I’ll have to leave them sooner or later.

Yet, I am the brave Abdullah, because I believe this is a Rahmah from Allah (Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala). At times, my heart recalls that wonderful Khutba, where the Khateeb said that the sickness erases the sins of a believer.

I am a blessing, alhamdulillah.

My supplications have got a higher degree, I am being blessed with little time to prepare myself for the Akhira. I know I will have a beautiful partner in the gardens of Jannah if Allah (Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala) is pleased with me. I am blessed to be repenting continuously. I am consoled to the core of my soul as I believe that many of my sins are dropping down just like the dried leaves that are falling off the tree.

I repeat, I am a blessing. Yet, I wonder… I still wonder, what makes this world to classify me as “The Unfortunate Youth”.



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4 replies on “I Am a Blessing”

  • ibradoforreal@gmail.com'
    October 30, 2014 at 7:07 am

    May Allaah bless his soul and grant him a great reward.

  • sarakimusa@gmail.com'
    December 10, 2014 at 11:02 am

    Allahu Akbar. What a way to profess faith in our ultimate return to our creator – Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. My brother, cancer does not take life. Allah, the owner and originator of life is the only one who gives and take life. And one will only return to Allah at the appointed time. While it is good to feel ones end is near so as to help one prepare for his/her meeting with Allah, it is wrong to think and believe that cancer will take ones life just because the doctor(s) said so. Wallahu a’alam. May Allah continually increase us in faith and guide us onto jannatul Firdaus . Amin. May Allah send shifa to you and all the sick believers.

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  • shakilahanifin@yahoo.co.in'
    September 13, 2015 at 1:38 am

    May Allah pleases wid u and give ease in your life. Ameen.