O, Woman of Substance,
How you shine,
Don’t you believe this thought of mine?
You have a light in You,
And, its time you got your due.
I see it,
Radiating from your child’s melodious lilt
I see it ,
Shining through the relaxed lines that on your husband’s face  sit.
I see it ,
From the radiance that the eyes of your parents emit.
O Woman of Substance ,
I know how you burn to keep the fire in you going,
Because Allah  built you with a nature that is bestowing.
OÂ Sister of mine,
I know how hard you push yourself, come rain or shine
Just so that world around you doesn’t fall apart
You keep stitching up your broken heart.
And when the winds of pain threaten to tear open the stitches
You simply ignore your heart that with pain twitches.
O Woman of Substance,
When  you are too tired to burn , gleam anyway,
When you are too fatigued to shine, sparkle anyway,
When you think you have nothing left to give, shimmer anyway.
You think, you can’t give anymore?
Don’t worry, Allah  will from His bounty give you, so that you can give galore.
You think your heart cannot beat any more?
Don’t worry, Allah  will with His light, your heart restore.
O Woman of Substance,
Keep going,
And remember, Allah is the All Knowing.
I know its not easy,
But then, life is not meant to be breezy
Keep the fire in you burning,
And to Allah, be always turning
Make His obedience Your fuel to blaze!
And to the zenith will He you, raise.
Allah  made Jannah for you,
So at the door of Jannah, join the Queue,
Where Fatimah  leads the way,
To take you to your home in which forever you can stay.
O Woman of Substance,
There you can be with others like you,
Which includes Khadijah, Maryam
and Asiya
 to name a few.
They await your arrival.
To celebrate your effort at survival
In this world that some times ignores your work
Which you do with immense effort.
O Woman of Substance,
This is not the time to slow down
Rather, its time to race for the crown.
One which you earned with your sweat and tears
Of which you are a rightful heir.
Made by Allah  with love and pride,
Wear it and in Paradise for eternity abide.
O Woman of Substance,
With my love and prayers, I am with You,
Hoping to be in Jannah with You.
— from a Sister of thine.
What did you feel after reading this poem? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. 🙂
47 replies on “O,Woman of Substance.”
Beautiful poem!!! Nice motivation for us sisters, we do have such a big responsibilty on our shoulders Alhamdulillah, we should find the blessings in all of these responsibilities to keep us going till Jannah…
JazakAllah very beutiful motivation
Such a beautiful poem.
Loved it immensely.
Thank you for writing this!
Jazakiallahu Khairan kaseera sister. Allah brightened my heart through your words.
Very beautiful and shining lines to brighten our souls… captured the essence of being a believing woman … Masha Allah .. may Allah bless you .
Masha’allah so touching!
Alhamdulillah I felt good and inspired too
Give comfort..beautifully lined. Jak for this valuable piece.
AllahumdulilLa very beautiful .May Allah set inspire you and all my other sister’s. Ameen
I feel like I can’t wait to go HOME 🙂
Can’t say in words
Just awesome sister sana
May Allah shower his blessings upon u..
Jazak Allah Hu khair….
Masha Allah!
Worth reading ?
May Allah ease the difficulties of all our sisters and help them in performing such a tough responsibility.U r pride of this Ummah !
Subhanallah, thank You Allah, I will try to join the queue of your Jannah. Aamiin. Love You Allah.
i had my eyes a bit wet ^__^ nice poem (Y) jazakALLAH khayran
mashaa Allah amazing keep it up its well motivating and also makes others understand about what women life is about alhamdulilah ….
Asalamualiqum wrwb dear sister. Such a sweet and motivational poem. Jazakillah khair.
The most inspiring poem i have ever seen..
I want to work hard to achieve my goal.to be in jennah with others like khadheeja mariam and Asia raliyallahu. If there is a will there is a way.
A beautiful poem. May Allah give me da strength to live a life da way U like. My goal is Jannah.
My eyes in tears very touching poem for we the women .may we have patience to work our way to jannah ameen Ya-Rabbi
Alhamdulillah…. This world is not changed place for the true and Pious..
Alhamdulillah…. This world is not the place for the true and Pious..
Peace and blessing be upon you, my sister of islam
Your words may become for the western theologies, a slam
May Allah swt , bless us with a heart of understanding
So that we shall be standing in front of the jannah queing
Asalam wa alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh….im a converted muslimah. From a pure catholic family. I am really interested of learning bout islam but dont know how. I hope to get in touch with you.. may Allah bless you. Jazzakallahu khair…
SubhanAllah!!! Very nice
Gorgeous writing:)
JazakAllah khair:)
May Allah put Barakah in our ideas and efforts:) ameen!
Alhamdulillah. This poem came in at the right time to soothe my heart. Jazakillah khayran for your efforts.
May Allah reward you with the good of this world and indeed the best of the hereafter. Ameen.
Mashallah, so beautiful
so inspiring, so encouraging, may Allah bless the writer.and keep us all together in jannatul Fridaus .aamin
Beautiful and just in time for me ….. like Allah wanted me to read it in response of a prayer that I uttered with a broken heart…. may Allah bless the person who wrote it. ….
With tears
Amazing,,Ma Sha Allah
MashAllah came at the right time.Just what I needed.Alhamdulillah
I felt I could relate to it in every way
Masha Allah a very beautiful poem….. thank you … may allah reward you for this amazing work and many other good works that you do ….
MashaAllah heart touching….jazakallah kahair
So heartwarming, jazakumallah khair sis .
the poem Is awesome
.it touched my heart….I feel the poem relating my sacrifices
Great work indeed sister ! incredibly beautiful !!
JazakAllah sister may Allah almighty bless us all ameen
A very lovely and encouraging poem. May ALLAH increase you in knowledge and wisdom
I felt as if the poem was written just for me. I feel inspired. I feel appreciated. I feel acknowledged. Shukran
Assalamualaikum. It is indeed a beautiful poem. May I shared it to the other people please?
Left me with tears…so beautiful 🙂
Let Allah brigthten our hearts And ebables us those who fulfill their responsibility both men and women
Put me to tears reading it. Especially when coming to the part about Jannah. I think only those who can relate to this will only truly understand. Thanks to my sister A****a for sending it to me. You know who you are ??…yes I will wait at the door of Jannah for you insyaAllah ?
Very beautiful poem, Encouraging.Keep writing Sana 🙂 🙂