If you get the chance to meet a King, a country’s president or a head of state, and had the opportunity to ask him whatever you may desire, how will you be prepared to meet him? Take a moment to answer this question. You will probably begin with taking a shower, dressing up with the best of your clothes, probably even buy a new attire just for the occasion, you will make sure that you choose the best of your words, to say the least! At the back of your mind, your excitement is almost out of control, because you know you’re meeting the man who will grant you what you desire from this world. Why else did he agree to meet you at the first place?
Alright, let’s get back to reality. What if you are to meet the King of all Kings, surely whatever you wish for will come true, but the question is, have you sought the proper etiquette of asking Allah for what you need? Have you ever wondered why your supplications are not answered? Perhaps, you think that you are too sinful or feel that Allah
will not grant you what you asked for?
Well…think again!
There are certain etiquette that need to be observed when one seeks Allah’s help and assistance in granting them what they need and desire. Some of those etiquette’s are spiritual, others are practical, and of course ritual.
Spiritual etiquette:
The first and foremost reason for not getting your prayers answered is not thinking well of Allah.
“Is He [not best] who responds to the desperate one when he calls upon Him” (An-Naml, 27:62).
Omar bin Al-Khattab said, “I do not bear the concern of the answer, but I bear the concern of the supplication, whenever I am inspired with a supplication, I am certain of the answer”. [1. Al-Fawa’ed for Ibnul-Qayyim]
If we raise our hands to supplicate, but in our hearts, if we suspect that Allah will not answer our prayers, then this is what we shall receive. Another reason for not receiving what you asked Allah
for is lacking patience.
The Messenger of Allah
said: “The supplication of the servant is granted in case he does not supplicate for sin or for severing the ties of blood, or he does not become impatient. It was said: Allah’s Messenger, what does:” If he does not grow impatient” imply? He said: That he should say like this: I supplicated and I supplicated but I did not find it being responded. and thus he becomes frustrated and abandons supplication.” [2. Sahih, Muslim]
Practical etiquette:
Committing sins without seeking repentance from Allah can prevent our supplications from being answering. This is why it is recommended that we turn to Allah
with sincere repentance and seek His forgiveness before we ask Him anything.
It is also recommended that we praise Allah, and send peace, prayers and blessings on His messenger before we supplicate our needs to Allah
Once, the Messenger of Allah
heard a man supplicating to Allah, he
said, “This man has been hasty.” He then called him and said to him and others, “When one of you prays, he should begin with the praise of his Lord, Sublime and Mighty, and his exultation, and then send prayers (in one narration: he should send prayers) on the Prophet
, and then supplicate as he wishes. [3. Sahih, Abu Dawood]
Another practical etiquette that we need to consider when supplicating to Allah is to be eloquent and artistic in our supplications, seeking the Sunnah of the messenger
in beautifying our speech with Allah
The prophet
said, “I have been given words which are concise” [4. Sahih, Muslim]
Also, seeking Allah’s beautiful names in its allocation of the supplication is a part of beautifying ones supplication, so for instance, when seeking Allah’s mercy towards something, then it’s best to seek Him through His names “Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem”.
Ritual Etiquette:
It is significantly important to seek supplications within certain ritual practices as part of the proper etiquette that result in the acceptance and response towards our supplications, such as preceding supplications with any acts of obedience towards Allah. Ritualistic etiquette could be listed, but not limited, to the below list: [5. Reviewed and extracted by Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Jibreen]
– Facing the Qiblah when supplicating
– Seeking the best times for answering supplications, such as in sujood, between the Athan and Iqamah, in Tahajjud and so on.
– Doing a charitable act before supplicating.
– Bringing cheerfulness to a fellow Muslim.
– Doing ablution before supplicating.
Ways that Allah answers our supplications:
The Prophet
said: “There is no Muslim who offers supplication in which there is no sin or severing of ties of kinship, but Allah will give him one of three things in return for it: either what he asked for will be hastened for him, or (reward) will be stored up for him in the Hereafter or an equivalent evil will be diverted from him.” [6. Sahih, Al-Albaani]
Finally, seeking the best from Allah and accepting His decisions are crucial while making dua. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. 🙂
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116 replies on “Etiquette of Supplications”
Just what i’ve been looking for! Thank you so much, ya Rabb!
Thanks. It was a very helpful article regarding supplication
Alhamdulellah, may Allah use us to benefit the ummah at large. Ameen
Jazakallahu Khair
Wa khairan Jazaakom
Jazakalahu khairan. Nice article.
Alhamdulellah, Wa khairan Jazaakom, May Allah facilitate benefit through you to the Ummah at large.
Jazaka Allahu Khaira
Wa khairan Jazaak dear brother.
yeah…really….in life Allah give us so many advantage…whatever we want he give us….but we don’t thank him…..we didn’t even say his prayer well…..he give us all the happiness yet we won’t respect him….from now I try to do all the good work. and…wishing god that he forgive my all sin and give me strength to face all the problem in life…..amen
Alhamdulellah, brother Salim. Allah does not burden us more that we are able to do, in sha Allah, make your sincere dua towards Allah, and try harder to seek His pleasure in what he obligated on you as a Muslim, and surely He will answer your prayers in sha Allah.
Jazaaka Allahu khairan for your contribution, I ask Allah to bless you and to grant you the best of this world and the hereafter. Ameen
Jazakallaah khair
Wa khairan Jazaakom.
Alhamdulillah. Very inspiring and eloquently summarised for better and faster grasping. Jazakallahu khairan.
Alhamdulellah, Jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read the post, may Allah facilitate for you and I to serve the Ummah at large, and grant us the best of both worlds. Ameen
Jazakallahu kheira wa ahsana jazak.
Wa khairan Jazaakom wa nafa’a bekom.
So much helpful..JAZAKALLAH
Alhamdulellah, May Allah use us to benefit the Ummah at large. Ameen
May Allah accept our dua. Aameen
Ameen ya Rab. Jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and comment.
Very good article.
Alhamdulellah, may Allah use us to always benefit the Ummah at large. Ameen
10x a lot 4 de valuable advice
Alhamdulellah, and Jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and comment.
Thank you so much. This teaching really helped me.Jazakallah
Alhamdulellah, may Allah use us to help to ummah at large. JAzaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and comment.
Jazakllau khair, ya shaik.
Wa khairan Jazaakom.
Alhamdulellah, Jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and comment.
May Allah help usall to do our supplication with proper etiquette.Ameen
Ameen Ameen. Jazaakom Allahu khairan for reading and commenting.
Ma sha Allah. Great job
Alhamdulellah, may Allah use us to benefit the ummah at large, Ameen.
Mashaa Allah…..really nice article
Alhamdulellah, this is from the grace of Allah on us all, Jazaakom Allahu khairan for your read and comment, may Allah use us to benefit the ummah at large.
Very nicely explained mashallah
Alhamdulellah, may Allah accept our small efforts and facilitate for us all to benefit the ummah at large. Jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and comment.
Jazakallahu Khaira
Wa khairan jazaakom for taking the time to read and comment.
Masha Allah,it was a powerful reminder for me
JAzakallahu khair
Wa khairan jazaakom for taking the time to read and comment. May Allah shower you with His blessings in this Dunya and grant you the highest stations in the akhira.
Alhumdulilah very nice may allah bless us all
Ameen, and may Allah use us all to benefit the ummah at large, and to restore unity among all muslims.
Jazakallahu khair, this was very beneficial?
Alhamdulellah, Wa khairan jazaakom for taking the time to read and comment.
Jazak Allah……ma sha Allah u hv done with this article upto the mark…
Alhamdulellah, Wa khairan jazaakom for taking the time to read and comment, may Allah use us to always benefit other muslims. Ameen
Jazaka Allah khairan
Wa khairan jazaakom for taking the time to read.
Jazakallahu khair.
Wa khairan jazaakom, may Allah grant you all your dua’s.
Alhamdulillah. it gives us hope as muslims. we never should lose hope towards the Mercy of our Rabb.
Mashallah, jazaakallahu kheir, you inspired me a lot.
Alhamdulellah, it all because of Allah’s grace and favor on us all, may Allah use us to benefit the ummah at large. Ameen
very helpful.Jazakallahu Khair
Alhamdulellah, wa khairan jazaakom for taking the time to read the post.
JazakAllah khair….this is what i have been looking for the right way of supplication for the acceptance of our duas
Alhamdulellah, may Allah accept your du’a and grant you the highest of stations in the hereafter. Jazaakom Allahu khairan for reading and commenting.
Masha’ALLAH and Alhamdulillah,
great learning for everyone to surely benefit by making Duas in the best manner
Alhamdulellah, Jazaaka Allahu khairan for your read and comment, may Allah grant you the best of both worlds.
Well sAiD..
May Allah accepts our prayers ameeN..
Alhamdulellah, may Allah shower you with His favors, Jazaaka Allahu khairan for stopping by.
jazaak allah brothers……..thanks a ton 4 this beautiful post…
Alhamdulellah, and jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read the post and comment.
jazakallahu khairan. This is an educative article. Rabbana patina fiddunya hassanatan was file ahirati hassana ya swami uddu’a.
Alhamdulellah, jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read this post.
jazakallahu khairan. This is an educative article. Rabbana atina fiddunya hassanatan wa fil ahirati hassana ya sami uddu’a.
Alhamdulellah, wa khairan jazaakom for taking the time to read and comment. May Allah bless you with His favors in this dunya and grant you the highest of stations in the akhira.
Great article akh Hussein , May Allah bless you.
Alhamdulellah, and may Allah grant you the best of both worlds. Jazaaka Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and comment akhi 🙂
Nice write up. May Allah reward you for this and accept my duàa.
Alhamdulellah, Jazaaka Allahu khairan for reading, may Allah grant you the best of stations in the akhira.
as salaamu alaikum
I am 23 yr old girl. I am not yet married . I am a graduate in B.com and its been three years since my graduation. I wana pursue higher studies in Islamic education… I have a lot if queries about it so would request you to help me. and also I came across the site of Dr. bilal Phillips… please reply me on my email.. I want a personal advice.
Assalamu alaikom sister, you can get in touch with the university administration for any questions and they will be very glad to assist you in sha Allah about any of your questions. they can be reached at info@islamiconlineuniversity.com
Assalaamalaikum. I read the article about the etiquettes of making dua and it was very helpful. But I have a question regarding how we have to hold up our hands when making dua. I was told that there is a certain way to hold up our hands and when I do that my back hurts and I can’t make dua for long. Can u please clarify this for me. Thank u and may Allah bless u and all the Muslims.
Assalamu alaikom, wa jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and comment. as for your question, please note that raising hands is a sunnah that was done by the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in specific situations such as asking for rain and he used to raise his hands high above his head, which indicates that it is not an obligation to make a dua while raising hands always. For further details about when it is permissible to raise hands for dua, please refer the the following link.
JazakAllahu khayr i really got to knw more about mercy of Allah by this Article n lot of my quries have been rectified Alhamdulilah ya arahmarrahimeen ya irhaam halaana
Alhamdulellah, Jazaakom Allahu khairan for stopping by 🙂
Jazakumullah Khair.
Wa khairan jazaakom
Thanks for this. And please what about raising the hands while making the du’a?
Jazaakom Allahu khairan for stopping by and taking the time to read. for further details about raising hands in making du’a, please refer to the below link…
Jazakum Allahu Khairan. …..This article is very important and helpful in straighten the way we supplicate
Alhamdulellah, jazaakom Allahu khairan for reading and commenting.
Alhamdulillah. Jazak Allah Khair for this useful advice.
Wa khairan jazaakom for taking the time to read, alhamdulellah.
It’s really important to know the etiquette of supplication to ensure our Dua being responded. Jazakum Allah khaira.
Agreed :-). wa khairan jazaaka for stopping by brother.
Jazzakhumullah khayran,it was very helpful may Allah continue to increase you in wisdom,knowledge and understanding.
Ameen, wa eyyakom, may Allah shower His favors on you in this dunya and grant you th best of stations in the akhirah.
it was very inspiring. thank you very much
Alhamdulellah, JAzaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and comment.
Wa khairan jazaakom wa nafa’a bekom.
JazakAllah…its a very nice and informative article…we can add to above that..taking care of the food that we eat should be halal and paak..if we don’t take care of the food that we eat…our prayers will not be answered and this is one of the most important thing
Wa khairan jazaakom, and yes jazaakom Allahu khairan for the addition, which is the most important, although this is not an etiquette, its an obligation to do :-). but nonetheless, many muslims today fail to observe that obligation as well. Jazaakom Allahu khairan for the highlight 🙂
Jazakallahu Khair.
Wa khairan jazaakom for stopping by 🙂
Jazakallah khair… very nice article . Main things to make our supplications answerable.
Alhamdulellah, may Allah grant all your du’as
Thank you so much for the inspiring post, it is an instrumental guideline.
Alhamdulellah, and jazaaka Allahu khairan for taking the time to read the post brother.
Alhamdullillah, Alhamdullillah, Alhamdullillah
Alhamdulellah 🙂
Haha! SubhanAllah! In fact, highly beneficial piece. Jazakallahu khairan.
Alhamdulellah, may Allah use us to benefit the Muslim ummah at large. Jazaaka Allahu khairan for stopping by.
my dear brothers and sisters pray for me iam amuslim brother who is going to attend my mbbs exam for the second time……please pray for me please…..when you do a favour for am muslim allah will help you brothers andd sisters…..plese pray for me after reading this…..dont postpond
Really interstink thanks. I’ve also written this paper on the enduring deeds, may be he’ll interst you.
The Baqiyat Salehat, the Enduring Good Deeds In Hadith and Qur’an: سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ ، والْحَمْدُللّهِ ، وَ لا اِلهَ اِلَّا اللّهُ ، وَ اللّهُ اَكْبَرُ –
“Remember Me, and I shall remember you” (2:152)
Hadith: “Those that remember Me in their heart, I remember them in My heart; and those that remember Me in a gathering (i.e. that make mention of Me), I remember them (i.e. make mention of them) in a gathering better than theirs.”
Hadith: When asked, “O Messenger of Allah, who are the single-hearted?” he replied, “The men and women who remember Allah abundantly.”
[…] The prophet said, “I have been given words which are concise” 4 […]
[…] উৎস: “ইসলামিক অনলাইন ইউনিভার্সিটি” (মূল আর্টিকেল লিঙ্ক) […]
[…] Once, the Messenger of Allah heard a man supplicating to Allah, he said, “This man has been hasty.” He then called him and said to him and others, “When one of you prays, he should begin with the praise of his Lord, Sublime and Mighty, and his exultation, and then send prayers (in one narration: he should send prayers) on the Prophet, and then supplicate as he wishes. 3 […]
highly beneficial Masha Allah
Ma Sha Allah very good article I ever read.
Jazak Allah khair for sharing.