BAIS Ad- blogBy no means do I say

That I am perfect

Indeed, I am not

Only I strive for perfection…

It’s unattainable you might say

But I think the blood, sweat and tears, are worth it…


For a haven that’s so safe

So beautiful, so perfect

Cannot be attained, by our mere half-worship


What I describe is not temporary beauty

Neither is it momentary pleasure

It is not a transient, ephemeral, short-lived memory

It is not restricted leisure

Nay, it is not


For the exquisite splendor we are dreaming of

Is not for the fainthearted

Not for the passive dreamers

Nor for the time wasters or those who never get started

Have we been guaranteed infinity?

Will you and I be living forever?


Then let’s not fall into our illusion, deception and fantasy

For we no longer have the luxury

To waste our precious, invaluable time…


Have you heard of the man who died on the boat?

Or the other one who was still eating?

Or the young girl running after her friends

Or the fortunate lady who breathed her last whilst prostrating?

Did they know their lifetime was over?


I think they were just like you and I

Anticipating their next outing

Or looking forward to their friends’ chatting…


O you who reside in the graves..

What advice do you have for Allah’s slaves?

You would trade the world for a prayer,

A dua’, a kind word, a favor;

Whilst we continue to love this lowly life…


Let this be a wake-up call

For you and I

Before the trumpet is exposed

Or the doors of repentance are closed…

Every breath we take

Should be for Allah

So that maybe, just maybe

We are taken whilst saying, “Ya Allah”!

Live every moment like it’s your last

Please Allah with every blast

For He is the Most-Beneficent, Most-Merciful…

Repent for each and every sin

Forgive with each and every grin

Plan your precious time wisely

Pack your afterlife luggage nicely

And never stop rehearsing for that interview

Between you and the All-Mighty…

How can we prepare for death? How can we prepare our soul for the Day of Judgement? Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below. 🙂



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8 replies on “A Wake-Up Call…”

    May 13, 2016 at 3:24 pm

    Great reminder sister:)

    • Ibtihal Al-Khalifin
      October 4, 2016 at 7:28 am

      JazakAllah khair for reading 🙂

  • May 17, 2016 at 4:40 pm

    MashAllah a very well written and moving poem!

    • Ibtihal Al-Khalifin
      October 4, 2016 at 7:29 am

      JazakAllah khair for the feedback sister 🙂

    October 2, 2016 at 7:06 pm

    A poem as a good reminder!

    • Ibtihal Al-Khalifin
      October 4, 2016 at 7:31 am

      JazakAllah khair for reading brother, do share it with your friends and family!

    October 2, 2016 at 9:01 pm

    Show the best manners towards all people and all faiths, do the best you can without going to extremes, give charity without being noticed and be alone with yourself and talk to ALLAH

    • Ibtihal Al-Khalifin
      October 4, 2016 at 7:37 am

      Indeed! JazakAllah khair for the insightful comment Ray! These are great ways to prepare ourselves for the day we meet our Lord, barakAllah feek 🙂