The countdown has begun and we have less than a month left until the greatest month of the year, Ramadan knocks at our doors! I’m sure by now most of you are stock-piling the goodies for iftaar and downloading as many resources as possible for Ramadan preparation (which I hope includes my past articles) but the question remains “How can I manage my time well enough to get it all done?”
That is what this article is going to assist you with, insha’Allah. Without any further ado, let’s jump right into our Time Management Tips for Ramadan:
- Plan in Advance

Time Management is divided between planning and application. Without adequate planning, there isn’t anything much to apply and the result is another Ramadan that just flies by. To plan for Ramadan, we need to be clear regarding the goals (Maqasid) of Ramadan, which is to attain taqwa. Therefore, our objective of Ramadan should be an increase in guidance and taqwa.
- Calculate how much Ibaadah time you will have daily
Ideally, we all want to spend Ramadan performing acts of worship 24/7, but this isn’t realistic and most of us have other obligations that we need to take care of as well. So work out in advance how much time you will have daily for Ibaadah, then set goals to get that much Ibaadah done. The formula is simple: 24 Hours – (Sleep time, Work Time, Family Responsibility) = Ibaadah time.
If for example, you have 3 hours of ibaadah time, you can schedule in an hour of Qur’an reciting, an hour of studying Islam and an hour for dua and Dhikr. You can really get a lot done if you stick with this formula for the entire month.
- Set Clear Goals
Now that you know how much Ibaadah time you have available daily, the next step is to set S.M.A.R.T goals. S.M.A.R.T means that the goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. For example, if your goal is to study some Tafsir this Ramadan, the problem with this goal is that it is too vague (which Tafsir), not measurable (How many pages), and not attainable or realistic (does one page of Tafsir fulfil the goal or five books of Tafisr?).
A S.M.A.R.T goal would be: I want to complete studying this 800 page book of Tafsir this Ramadan. In order to complete 800 pages in 29 days, I need to read an average of 28 pages a day.
4. Allocate time for each goal:
Now that your goals for Ramadan are clearly defined and you know how much time you have daily for Ibaadah, the next step is to combine this by allocating specific times daily for chasing each goal. Eg: If you have the goal of reading 30 pages of Tafsir daily and that will take you an hour, and you know that you have an hour a day free every evening before Tarawih, then allocate that time to be your Tafsir time. Set a specific time of the day for reciting Qur’an (perhaps before or after Fajr), making dua (before Iftar), having a family Halaqa (after Asr or after Tarawih) and any other goals you are working towards.
5. Utilize the early hours of the morning:
In Summer countries, Suhoor is quite early and many people can’t wake up too early before it. In that case, I recommend utilizing an hour after Suhoor for Ibaadah. In Winter countries, Suhoor is quite late, so waking up an hour before it is easier. In such countries, I recommend waking up an hour earlier and dedicating that time to Qiyam Al-Layl (Tahajjud), dua and reciting Qur’an. The early mornings are known having Barakah (blessings) and it is a time when we are not pre-occupied with work and family obligations. Use it!
6. Schedule in a family Halaqa:
Ramadan is the perfect time for the family to bond and grow in Imaan together. The devils are locked up and everybody is more spiritual. This spirituality needs to be nurtured so that we can benefit from it after Ramadan. One way to do this is to establish a family Halaqa (study circle). Read a chapter of an Islamic book (or listen to a lecture) then discuss its contents with each other. Continue this even after Ramadan.
7. Dedicate time daily for Qur’an:
Ramadan is the month of Qur’an and so it is obvious that time must be dedicated daily to Qur’an. In some communities, people recite Qur’an very quickly each Ramadan to get it over with or complete as many Qur’an recitals as possible. Instead of doing this, focus on reciting properly, studying the Tafsir and reflecting on its meanings. This will have a longer lasting effect on one’s Imaan and Taqwa.
8. Avoid Multi-Tasking
This is a general time management tip that applies outside Ramadan as well. Studies show multi-tasking actually slows down productivity and causes sloppy work. Modern time management experts agree that focusing on one task at a time gets the task done faster with better quality than multi-tasking. Don’t try to recite Qur’an, while browsing through Facebook and taking care of a child all at the same time. The same applies to studying Tafsir or making dua. Choose a place, time and situation in which you will have the least distractions and give the act of worship your undivided focus.
9. Fast from excessive socializing
This includes both social media and physical socialization. Ramadan is the month of Itikaf. One of the goals of Itikaf is to take a break from our social lives so that we can focus on our relationship with Allah. If you are unable to make Itikaf, you can still get this benefit in Ramadan by cutting down on socializing and dedicating more time to Ibaadah. Attend a few less Iftaar parties, log into Facebook and Twitter for shorter durations and excuse yourself from unnecessary gatherings.
10. Stay Healthy
You cannot accomplish your goals if you are feeling lazy, weak, agitated or sleep-deprived. Some of us do too much during the first few days of Ramadan and end up without any energy to push on for the remainder of Ramadan. Pace yourself and take care of your body by getting enough sleep, eating healthy and staying hydrated.
The average person needs between 6-8 hours sleep a night, so make sure you are getting it, even if it means going to bed a bit earlier. Avoid sugary and oily foods and eat wholesome foods for both Suhoor and Iftaar. Drink a lot of water at night before bed as that will keep you hydrated during the day.
May Allah make this Ramadan a productive and blessed one for all of us. Ameen
We would love to hear time management tips which you follow to get the most out of the blessed Ramadan. Please share in the comments section below. 🙂
This article has been adapted from the following links. Please click the links below to read the entire article insha’Allah.
55 replies on “10 Time Management Tips for Ramadan 2015”
[…] a habit to form. There is almost a month before Ramadan begins–give or take a few days. So, let’s begin now to make habits for Ramadan so that during the month of Ramadan, you and I can focus on acting upon those habits with excellence rather than stressing ourselves […]
Alhamdulliah pre planne of Rammadan help me lot.
jazakallah,i have no words to expressy thanks.
Thank you for these beneficial tips! Allah bless you!
I hoping to benefit myself, as well as others, this year during Ramadan by doing something different. Besides trying to maintain Salat & Quran reading, I’m planning to make a medical research about the effects fasting has on our body during Ramadan.
We all know a few things about this topic, but I’ll try my best to bring something new to the table Insha’Allah.
I will perform trial fasting to observe how to maintain it in ramadann.. the resources and habit I will definitely develop soon.. in sha allah
The Holy Qur’an has 604 pages, i want to recite it twice through out the Ramadan by reciting 40 pages everyday In Sha Allah. May Allah make it easy for us.
I’ve got 29 days to make up with a nursing infant too. I’m hoping that I can make up most of the days of the previous fast since the baby is eating some soft foods now. I have to remind myself to drink more water and other replenishing liquids so that the milk supply doesn’t go away. May Allaah ta’ala have mercy upon me and the other fasting & nursing Muslimah’s so that we can keep our duties to Him and get the rewards as well.
This is absolutely fantastic, a real eye opener to make ibaadah priority and life stress free
Jazakumullahu khairan. enjoyed the article and I hope to benefit from it Inshaa Allah.
Will try my best to follow this tips this ramzan
Jazakallah.. wish Allah let my ages reach this Ramadhan 🙂
shak thank you so much for reminding us all these important topics inshaAllah it will guide some of us a lot , your reward is with Allah .
Shak in Denmark currently sunrise is around quarter to four and sunset is half pass ten, it’s keeps me meditating a lot , the day actually is longer than normal ,i would like to seek some advice from you as to how to manage with it,
Thank you
I want to read the holy Quran .. I want to boycott tv series and shows .. Just I’ll watch Islamic programs .. I want to pray el traweeh in mosque with my mother .. And if there’s free time after all this I want to make any kind of charity .. I hope Allah enables me do what I planned 🙂
Another tip as a preparation try to fast Mondays and Thursdays or at least once a week to prepare your body for the month of Ramadan.
Aoa..Time management in Ramadan is above all very important..What I experienced last Ramadan was that first I had set an aim that I have to achieve few goals when it was set I was only focusing on completing them by avoiding socializing much..A very happy Ramadan to all..May this Ramadan be full of Barkaat for all of us
I am too excited! I hope Allah himmath day, I pray that I should spend most of the time in remembering him
Alhamdulillah, wish that Almighty Allah may help me to follow this way to achieve my goal. Thank you.
Masha Allah may we all gained the mercies n favours of dis Ramadan dis article is an eye opener n remainder to us may Allah grant us d strengths to work. N follow the links.
good reminder to all. Ibelieve it’s an opportunity to equip oneself with one or two good habits n practice it wholeheartedly whole month n pray Allah to make it easy for you for whole life.
Jazak Allah . It is a quite helpful blog 🙂
In Shaa Allah, we can achieve n perform this
holy month of ramadhan n all our aim should
be granted n forgive our sin n to show da world
that Islam religion is da best where in u can find
peace in many ways
Jazakallah good one I think it’s a workable during Ramadan . What we really forget during and post Ramadan is huquuk Ul Ebad , in Ramadan one should take care on behavior specially hysterical behavior . For all smokers quit smoking because Ramadan gives u a golden opportunity . I have decided to quit smoking, what’s Ur .
Unfortunately I have to work during Ramadan and I am responsible for cooking. So wake up at 7.30am get ready and go to work. Get home for 7.15pm. (Having prayed the days salah’s at work). Do I then a) start cooking, b) have a rest because I’m shattered, c) Do Ibadah and pray someone else sorts out Iftar? Obviously there is no point having such a beautiful month and not getting any ibadat done or completing the recitation of the Quran but some practical tips would be beneficial especially as I try and pace myself so I have energy for teraweeh and far.
Thank you for the helpful. Insha’allah we all have a peaceful Ramadan.
Thank you for the helpful advice. Insha’allah we all have a peaceful Ramadan.
May Allah reward you (with) goodness!
Alhamdulilah thanks for the details for the ibaadah during Ramadan month
Alhamdulillah. Allahumma Ballignaa Ramadaan. Jazaakumullah khairan Yaa Shuyuukh.
Jazaanaa wa iyyaakum 🙂
JazakAllah khair for this great work! InshAllah many will benefit from this. I translated all these tips along with the aforementioned recommendations into local language; will share them with some colleagues and friends who don’t understand English, InshAllah, so others will benefit! Ref will of course be there (IOU, Allah May Reward Everyone on these Efforts Abundantly!)
Jazaanaa wa iyyaakum 🙂
And JazakaAllah khairan for translating and sharing. May Allah accepts from you. Ameen
Assalamou ‘alaikoum wa rahmatoullah,
Jazakoumoullah kheiran, your Ramadan preparation articles will be in sha Allah usefull.
I would like to share it to my contacts but most of them doesn’t understand english at all and I would like to know if a french version is available. If not, may I translate it into french – the article and the illustrated sum as well???
Jazakoumoullah kheiran
Walaikum assalam
No, only version available is in English so you are more then welcome to translate and share in shaAllah
JazakaAllah khairan 🙂
Assalamu Alaikum warahma
Alhamdu lillah. Jazakumu Laahu khairal jazzaa Wali Walidaikum. This is truelly very helpfull article. We needed it too much to motivate our selves.
I highly appreciated and benefit from it. It is from now my “TO DO LIST” in Ramadan insha Allah. Thank u. May Allah reward u.
Walaikum assalam
Jazaanaa wa iyyaakum 🙂
Keep coming back on the blog for more 🙂
asalamu alaykum
jazakallah khair for this delightful article.
may Allah grant you and your families and us all the highest ranks in jannah, and may we worship Him sincerely . Allahumma salli wasallim alaa rasoolillah. amen!
in sha Allah, hope to share this on our wordpress blog, thurrockmuslims, if that is ok in sha Allah.
ps. a tip, for those who want to complete qur’an in ramadan, one sheikh said read 4 or 5 pages after each salah, everyday, in sha allah you’ll have it. may Allah help us amin!
and jazakallah for the tip telling us to be more specific and breaking it down,, problem is wanting to do it all, which isn’t realistic,
may Allah help us act on beneficial ilm amen.
Walaikum assalam brother
jazaanaa wa iyyaakum 🙂 and sure, you can share it wherever you want in shaAllah!
Thanks for your time management and we will follow during Ramadan incha allahu
[…] That is how we increase our stamina: Moderate food, drink and sleep. An excess of any of these will lead to an imbalance. So, make sure your food and sleep is in moderation so that you can maximize your productivity levels. […]
[…] Sumber : Blog Islamic University […]
workable plan. will surely try to follow. IA
great healthy tips for ramadan and really helpful thnanks alot
Alhamdulillah. it’s helpfully. I should make it. And I think I will translate this article into Bahasa Indonesia before I share it with my friends.
[…] Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an, the month of mercy and forgiveness, the long-awaited month of the year. It is where people find themselves eager to revive their hearts, form a bond with their Creator and simply cleanse themselves thoroughly from within! Therefore, is it not natural for one to be keen on making the most out of this blessed month by avoiding the distractions and obstacles? […]
[…] http://blog.islamiconlineuniversity.com/10-time-management-tips-for-ramadan-2015 […]
Jazak Allaah kahir, I really this motivation to cope with mid ramadan slump. I like the idea of SMART goals. If the the goals are too vague, we really dont have the motovation to persue them.
[…] Nah karena itu saya berbagi tips manajemen waktu saat ramadhan untuk kita semua. tips ini saya dapatkan dari islamiconlineuniversity.com. di blog ini saya akan share infographicnya saja, kalau ingin baca artikel lengkapnya bisa dibaca disini […]
[…] 10 Time Management Tips for Ramadan 2015 1 […]
MASHALLAH. wonderfull article,very much poductive inshaALLAH.
[…] Make a list of all the goals you want to achieve in Ramadan; and then ask yourself these four questions for every goal: a) Why do you want to accomplish this goal? b) How are you going to do this? c) What steps are you willing to take? d) When do you want to reach the goal? […]
[…] half way or less, making us feel dejected. However, having a definite amount of verses to recite and having a goal in front of you makes it easier for you to achieve your tasks because your vision and mission is […]
[…] المصدر: 10 Time Management Tips for Ramadan 2015 […]
[…] http://blog.islamiconlineuniversity.com/10-time-management-tips-for-ramadan-2015/ […]