No time to lose guys so let’s get started!
Okay so tonight we’ll pretend you’ve been elected to be the Royal President of the world! CONGRATULATIONS!
(Oh come on, quit being so humble, I’m sure you’ve earned it!)
Every single human being on the face of this Earth is waiting outside right now for the grand ceremony, where they get to meet your highness and reap the joys of the extreme generosity that comes with this occasion. Prepare yourself, because hearts will melt, jaws will drop, girls will faint and kids will drool from your surreal awesomeness. It’s the moment everyone’s been anticipating and it’s finally here!
The trumpets go all out before your majestic entrance. You take one final look in the mirror, before the gates open and you walk into the lavish ballroom proudly, preceded by tens of uniformed royal guards paving the way for your arrival. Except the weirdest thing happens! From the corner of your eye, you see people chatting, eating, busy playing games on their cell phones and no one even notices you, let alone taken aback with awe! What the….?
You tap one of the audience on the shoulder, ‘Umm hello! I’m here!”
They look at you absentmindedly for a second; then go back to what they were doing. Hmmmm and there you were excited about their reaction to you handing out gold treasure boxes filled with millions of dollars, diamonds and ‘Nutella’ filled chocolate chip cookies.
Can I Tell You A Secret?
Within the course of our lives, we meet those people every single day, hardly ever stopping to look at them or give them attention, and we kind of lose a lot in the process as well. Except instead of them being kings and queens, they’re normal people with royal manners. Rather than having a majestic ceremony with uniformed guards, they walk amongst us, guarded by unseen angels from heaven. They actually don’t look forward to flooring others with their awesomeness. They don’t walk proudly with their chests out. But they amaze us with their patience, pure intentions and loving hearts. Granted they don’t necessarily give out cookies (yeah that’s the down side honestly) but they spread peace, joy and restore our faith in humanity. We are too busy roaming around looking for someone better, but you know what? These people, whom some might dub as ‘geeks’ or ‘nobodies’ are in fact celebrities in disguise. They’re popular up in heaven and the angels know each and every one of them by name. They’re the candles shining the darkness of this sometimes-unbearable world, and without their guidance, mercy and genuine care, oh I can’t imagine what this life would be like… A downfall all the way….
Who Are These People…?
Think of someone who walked into your life when everyone else walked out. Think of perhaps a speaker or a scholar whose lecture accidentally woke you up from your worldly coma. Think of a child’s smile that made you reconsider doing something wrong, or a simple word from a true friend that lifted you up when the only option was failing miserably. Think of your poor neighbor who insists you stay for dinner, or that at-the-right-place-at-the-right-time stranger who saved a baby from drowning. They’re all around, and with the blessed month of Ramadan, these people are suddenly revealed to us as the stars they truly are. We see them under a different light when the devils are tied up during this blessed month. They’re the ones reaching out to help, when only weeks before, we were talking to them from on top of our high horses. They are the ones collecting money for charity, handing out water bottles on the street, and smiling happily at the mosque with that peaceful feeling of belonging. Are you picturing someone in specific right now as I speak…? Oh yes you are!
Can You Be The Star Of The Month?
I’ll answer this question with another question. What’s your status this Ramada
Are you chained to the TV all night or is your heart pulling your body to seize those rare Holy moments? Do you find yourself cranky all day and tired all night, hardly able to drag your feet to ‘Taraweeh’ prayers? Or do you race with your loved ones to the mosque? Are you busy counting the minutes till ‘Iftar’ or are you panicking because this month is slipping by so fast? Do you give us your back or give us your helping hand?
I’m biased to our beautiful Islamic Ummah, so I’m gonna go ahead and say we are all one of those insha’Allah…
“And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace” (Al-Furqan, 25:63)
So let’s all become celebrities this Ramadan. Let’s open our hearts to each other and walk the walk of fame towards Allah’s mercy, blessings and forgiveness. Let the angels in heaven know who we are, because hey when we go up there to our eternal homes insha’Allah it would be wonderful if everyone knew us by name…
Oh so wonderful….
137 replies on “Why ‘Geeks’ Become ‘Celebrities’ This Month”
We need more of these people in our world. Hope we could be one of them one day. Love you Lilly!
I think you already are sweet heart!
Great post! loved reading it, and inspired to of those people 🙂
I’m so happy to know that Aziza! May you always be a celebrity!
I definitely enjoyed it. Masha Allah, jazakhallahu khairan
Wa eyakom Bello. Thank you so much!
Thanks for such a wonderful and succinct expression of guidance. Thanks Lilly.
Always a pleasure Salifu. Thank you for taking the time to comment!
Masha Allah.. Well written. wonderful article. enjoyed reading it.
Truly honored Abdullah
insaAllah, i loved it very much, thanks for this wounderful word, jazakAllah.
Wa eyakom Firdews. And may I add what I lovely name you have MashAllah!
Jazakumullahu khairan, You have cracked our mind and renewed our EEMAN in part of generous.. may Allah reward u with khair!__Ameen!
Amen Alyelwee…. May Allah reward us all
Ma shaa Allah baaraka Allah feek sister very inspiring message u have for us…very concise and cogent.
May you always be inspired Faiza
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Saying السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
to anyone whether you meet him anywhere or in your Masjid FREQUENTLY makes people drawn to you to the extent those people drawn to you say salaams to you before you say it. This is a very SIMPLE REMEDY TO KEEP THE MASSES AT PEACE.
Add a piece of SMILE when saying Assalam alaikum. This esay charity would help draw to peace.
Wa Assalamu Alaikum
May we always live in peace Razi
So very true Zafar
Ma Sha Allah, may we be among those celebrities
Amen A’eesha
O Allaah! Make us to be from those servants of Yours.Ameen!
Ameen Omar
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
may ALLAH reward you , this is an opportunity to us ,these blessed days so by the sake of ALLAH let us use it in humility and judiciously, may He write it in our scales of good.
Thank you for your lovely comment Ismaeel and Amen to your du’aa
jazaakillah sister. May Allaah bless you. (I skimmed through your blog and I found some interesting entries). This post serves is an important reminder.
I would like to point out thought, that I didn’t see the use of “girls will faint” appropriate. It just feeds into the general stereotype. I have lately noticed that my sister screams now at the sight of a spider etc. She wouldn’t do this before. She has learnt this at school probably. Girls are generally expected to be scared and perhaps “faint” at the sight of an anthropod.
I know what you mean Wakil. Sometimes stereotypes can affect our behavior
I only used it to add a touch of humor. I apologize if you found it inappropriate
Thank you so much for the advice
Masha Allah very well written! Truly touched the heart. May Allah bless us this Ramadan and unite us all in jannah.
May your heart be touched with everything that’s beautiful and pure Helen
And Amen to your lovely duaa
Masha Allah. Thanks so so much for this inspiring message. I have really learnt a lot.
May Allah richly bless the writer and all those who played a role in posting it.
Honored and humbled Mustapha! What a heart warming message!
Can i use that image on my site?it is one of my favorite verse from surah furqan. Nice article by the way.
Yes, you can use whatever you want from this site 🙂
JazakaAllah khairan
Wishing your site all kinds of success Fauzi
Nice article…inspiring indeed…
May we be among those mentioned
Amen Abdallah. Thank you for taking the time to comment….
maa shaa ALLAH! so touching article or sermon, may ALLAH SWT guide us muslim Ummah to d right path
This is a truly beautiful ummah! InshAllah we will all be guided Raheemo
Very nice to read, may Allah accept our efforts.small tips give u huge benefits.
That’s so true Majida! Sometimes the simplest reminders can make a huge difference.
I’m so very happy you enjoyed this one
Great article! May God guide us all.
Amen Ahmad. Thank you so much
We need not to be a celebrity. Its enough if Allah accept each of us as a “this type of geek”.
I agree Shahed. It’s enough if Allah accepts us amongsts His slaves
Hmm… what an article of admonition, jazakumulah khaira
Truly my pleasure Ridwanulah.
You really have a beautiful unique name by the way
We need not to be a celebrity. Its enough if Allah accept each of us as a “this type of geek”.
In sha Allah! 🙂
..this is a real source of WORSHIP MOTIVATION…. Thank u 4 this article….
You are so very beyond welcome Djen! Hoping we could all be motivated too
Alhamdulillah, i have learnt a lot and it will impact on my deen.Your article will always keep me on my toes of, Allahu,all the prophets,angels,the importance of islamic calendar and how to strengthen my ibada and be free in my grave. May Allah(SWT) bless you and all ummah of our prophet Muhammad(SAW)…Ameen
Touched by your sweet words. Thank you so much Abdul Gafaru
I truly appreciate your article sister 🙂 I went through this right after finishing my fazr prayer…after my prayer I was talking to HIM n asked if I even deserve to be amongst HIS favourites. I don’t know if I deserve or not but i felt Allah sent this to me as an answer through your article….Subhan Allah! May Almighty bless you!
MashAllah your beautiful words made my heart melt. You’re so lucky to get such signs from Allah mashAllah. You must be a celebrity already Nuzhat. Please remember us in your duaa
My pleasure Frank
Thanks for this article
Thank you for taking the time to read it Amira
Jazakillah khair for such motivating words! 🙂
Assalamu alaikum.
Wa eyakom Asea. Stay motivated always
JazaakumuLLaahu khairan.
Wa eyakom Muhammad
Merci beaucoup pour cet article tres enrichissant merci
Tu est très doriens Mani, merci beaucoup!
Assalamu alaikum
very nice article
Inspired and motivated
Two words I love hearing Nisha: inspired and motivated
Thank you for this huge smile on my face
Nicely written article… Initially, I could not figure out what you are trying to convey. However, it is concluded nicely and touched my heart.
LOL yes my imagination runs wild and off topic sometimes
I’m very happy you enjoyed it still. Thank you so much for your comment Munavar
Ya Shaikh Jazakallah Khairan Kaseerah for your good work towards motivating us have good relationship with our Rabb (Allah) thanks a lot may Allah give you Courage Zeal Knowledge to continue dis wonderful contribution in making our life more better. Thanks once again.
May Allah bless Dr. Bilal’s work and bless all his efforts to make this world a better place
Lovely article. Inspires me to do more In Sha Allah.
InshAllah Fatima. May Allah open all the doors of success for you
Ma Shaa Allah! Very inspiring. SHUKRAN!
My pleasure Mezer!
Ass salamu’Alaykum Lilly !
Merci beaucoup pour cet excellent article. J’espère que nous serons parmi les célébrités.. À partir de maintenant j’essaie d’en être une.
As Salam
Amen Dounia…. Merci beaucoup
Jazzak Allahu khayran… So inspiring
W eyakom Mohamed! May you always be inspired towards the good
I see pictures in as I’m reading.!
You must be very talented and imaginative Raz. God bless you for this amazing comment
ma sha allah such heart throbbing statements I pray that every mumin musalman becomes a celebrity but not just for this month for their whole life to the people with the sight of goodness
God bless your beautiful heart Lamiya
Amen Amen Amen
Feel every month is Ramadan, Coz it help me increase my Imman
If only we could all do that Akanni
INSHA’ALLAH We will be among of them, INSHA’ALLAH ALLAH forgives all of our sins, INSHA’ALLAH ALLAH Grants us the Garden of Paradise, INSHA’ALLAH ALL the ummah will meet in the Garden of Paradise. Thanks to the author of this beautiful blog, may ALLAH Grant you Jannah and to All of us, i wish i can hug all of the muslims in this dunya to ask forgiveness.Ya ALLAH thank you to all the blessings you had given to us.
A truly heart warming comment Jaedan… You left me speechless
Ass salamu’Alaykum Lilly Really very Nice article…inspiring indeed…
Hope we be among those mentioned may allah bless u and eccept from u ameen
I’m so happy to know that Amal… Thank you for your sweet words
MashAllah always and forever
MashaAllah. I appreciate a lot the article.. in this dunya (world) most of us catches our attention those people who have fancy cars and houses.. we envy them.. without realising it’s all temporary..
Anyway as a whole without forgiveness towards others everything is not possible even if you keep insisting that you believe in words of Allah.
May Allah forgive our sins. Ameen yarab.
You said it all Haimah
Very beautiful. This article reminds me that I still need a lot of improvement in being the best Muslim I can be.
You saying that means you’re already on the right track MashAllah Sharukh
Truly amazing work is being done by u guys.. it shows us the write path to walk on amd how to spend our life according to Islam.. i really appreciate it.
I second that Ayesha. Honored to be one of the writers on this great blog!
Jazakum Allahu firdaus 🙂
Inspiring…While reading I imagined all your words. May Allah reward you and all of us, Amen. . Please remember me and my family in your duas. In Shaa Allah we will meet in the heavens above by Allah’s mercy 🙂
I’ll take this chance to thank Nasmira and Hira for inviting me to write for this amazing website. Such lovely girls whom I’m proud and honored to get to know
May Allah bless us all
Thank you so much Lubna
MashaAllah great post….your all post boost me up towards islam gr8 job lilly ji..☺️
Humbled by your beautiful comment Hiba… Thank you for taking the time to comment and making me smile with joy
Thank you .your post awakened me
An honor and a blessing from God that I’ll cherish forever Butol
This is very important reminder jazakallahu khairan may Almighty Allah continue to expand our knowledge and may he account us among them Ameen
Amen Amen Amen Mannir
Hope Allah forgave our mistke to become one of them
God is the Most Merciful…. InshAllah He will Abu Shafaq
Those capital letters just added more to my extreme happiness. Thank you Abdlaziz
Thank u. Very inspiring
You are so beyond welcome Aicha
May Almighty Allah bless you the writer and we the reader ameen .
Blessed with your lovely du’aa Momodu
Another Gem to add to your Pearls of Wisdom.
May Allah bless you for always having the ability to reach many people’s hearts in a profound way.
No words to thank you for always being there and believing in me Julia
My soul mate and guardian angel….
Great post.. Plz pray for me also.. I’m trying to become a person like that..
May you always be a blessed celebrity in this life and the Hereafter Rimsha
wow .jazakallah khairan
W eyakom Nureni thank you so much
Thanks for the piece. May Allahu (SWT) in His infinite mercy reward you according to His riches, Ameen!
I ask to be permitted to share please.
Thanks for the piece. We ask Allahu (SWT) in His infinite mercy reward you according to His riches. Ameen!
I ask to be permitted to share please.
JazakAllhu khairan!
You are most welcome to share anything 🙂
Please do Sani and share the Hasanat too!
Assalamualaikum, i must say that this is a great piece that comes with lots of motivation. May Allah SWT make us all among these celebrities that be admired by His angels. Ameen. Jazakallahu Khair, Lilly.
Assalamualaikum, i must say that this is a great piece that comes with lots of motivation. May Allah SWT make us all among these celebrities that would be admired by His angels in this month and beyond. Ameen. Jazakallahu Khair Lilly.
Wa eyakom Muhammad. I really appreciate your wonderful comment
Well writen article, learned so much from it, may ALLAH reward the writer (Shiek Bilal Philip)
Honored Sarafadeen. Thank you
Asalam Alaikum…am just reading your article and it was so inspiring, may Allah swt bless you more even after Ramadan. You are one of those believe me. Jazaqum la ah
I pray you always find what inspires you to greatness Ahmed
MashaAllah beautifully quoted
Muslim ummah need this reminder everyday in order to stay away from the trap of shaytaan
May Allah grant you more and all Muslimeen
Ameen AsmaKhan! What a beautiful du’aa
Asalaamu alaikum wr wb ya’ll 🙂
Alhumdulilah, loved this post so much so I sent it to my email box to be reminded of it and look forward to share it bithinilah tala. Wow, ” normal people with royal manners” what an awesome goal and message.
Thank you for the inspiration and engaging, creative writing sr Lily!! And thank you, Islamic Online University, staff and all for your efforts!! I eagerly hope we see each other in Jannatul Firdawos with the most well mannered, our beloved-yo-I-can’t-wait-to-see-meet-you-and-your-amazingness Prophet sallahu alahi wa salaam by the permission of the Most Gracious Lord, we are patiently SUPER DUPER LUNEY LUPER excited to meet, ahhhh-aameen thumma ameen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 you all!
Srly, alhumdulilahi rabbi alamin, so much thanks. 🙂
with much respect and love,
Your comment made me smile from ear to ear Salma! Those are the cutests sweetest words ever!
Thank you sooooo much! You must be one amazingly cheerful girl
Your way to our hearts and minds is always paved with love and wisdom,it is a gift of GOD that we have all to be thankful for.
Jazaki Allaahu Khair ukhti amazing article. Had tears…
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