Imagine yourself in Jannah, just one level above your friend, yet the distance between the two of you is of that between the heavens and the earth. Yes! That is the difference between each level!
‘Ubadah bin As-Samit (radiyallahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah
“In Paradise… what is between every two levels is like what is between the heavens and the earth. Al-Firdaus is its highest level, and from it the four rivers of Paradise are made to flow forth…” 1
Without a doubt, Jannah in its entirety, including the lowest level, is tremendously beautiful, so beautiful that with the limited capacity of our minds, we are unable to imagine what it would be like to be there. SubhanAllah, it is unfathomable! However, one does not enter it without paying its price.
Therefore, we must never be satisfied with our level of worship; rather, we must strive to better ourselves tirelessly, as it is our struggle in this life that will determine our final abode, and our endeavor that will determine our ranks in the Hereafter. For this, we must aim higher and work harder in order to deserve the highest of levels and greatest of rewards. This would mean following the example of the Sahaba , who never ceased to ask about the *best* ways to attain Allah’s pleasure. It is embodied in the type of questions they used to ask the Prophet
, such as, what type of person will be the closest to you in the hereafter? What is best deed to Allah? What is the most beloved deed? It is this admirable determination of theirs that must compel us into imitating them, and along with continuous striving, we must consistently hope and ask Allah
to enter us into Janntul-Firdaws, as per the Hadith:
Mu’adh bin Jabal (radiyallahu anhu) said:
“I heard the Messenger of Allah say:’…If you ask of Allah, ask Him for Firdaws.'” 2
Do not hesitate in asking for the highest level, for Allah is capable of everything, we must do our part too though.

It was narrated from Kathir bin Murrah (radiyallahu anhu) that Abu Fatimah told him:“I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Tell me of a deed that I can adhere to and act upon.’ He said: “You should prostrate, for you will not prostrate to Allah but He will raise you in status one degree thereby and erase from you one sin.” 3

- Tahjjud(night prayer): Most beloved prayer to Allah
after the obligatory.
Abu Hurairah (radiyallahu anhu) narrated that: Allah’s Messengersaid: “The most virtuous fasting after the month of Ramadan is that of Allah’s month of Al-Muharram. And the most virtuous Salat after the obligatory is the night prayer.” 4
- Ad-Duha(forenoon prayer): Acts as a charity for the 360 joints in our bodies.
Abu Dharr (radiyallahu anhu) reported Allah’s Apostleas saying: “In the morning charity is due from every bone in the body of every one of you. Every utterance of Allah’s glorification is an act of charity. Every utterance of praise of Him is an act of charity, every utterance of profession of His Oneness is an act of charity, every utterance of profession of His Greatness is an act of charity, enjoining good is an act of charity, forbidding what is distreputable is an act of charity, and two rak’ahs which one prays in the forenoon will suffice.”5
- Sunan Al-Rawatib: Twelve extra sunnah prayers a day grants one a house in Jannah.
Umm Habibah (radiyallahu anha) narrated that Allah’s Messengersaid: “Whoever prays twelve Rak’ah in a day and night, a house will be built from him in Paradise: Four Rak’ah before Zuhr, two Rak’ah after it, two Rak’ah after Maghrib, two Rak’ah after Isha, and two Rak’ah before Fajr in the morning Salat.” 6
- Witr: Allah
loves the witr prayer, and it is a sunnah mu’akkada.
Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib (radiyallahu anhu): The Prophetsaid: Allah is single (witr) and loves what is single, so observe the witr, you who follow the Qur’an.
These are just some of them, and if we make it a habit to continually pray these nawafil we will not only be immensely rewarded, but will also be elevated in Jannah, in sha Allah.(Kindly research more on the timings of these prayers and how to pray them).
Rabi’ah bin Ka’b Al-Aslami (radiyallahu anhu) said:“I used to bring to the Messenger of Allahwater for wudu and serve him. He said: ‘Ask of me.’ I said: ‘I want to be with you in Paradise.’ He said: ‘Is there anything else?’ I said: ‘That is all.’ He said: ‘Help me to fulfill your wish by prostrating a great deal.'” 7
Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr (radiyallahu anhu) that the Prophetsaid: “It shall be said – meaning to the one who memorized the Qur’an – ‘Recite, and rise up, recite (melodiously) as you would recite in the world. For indeed your rank shall be at the last Ayah you recited.'” 8

Anas bin Malik (radiyallahu anhu) said:“The Messenger of Allahsaid: “Whoever sends salah upon me once, Allah
will send salah upon him tenfold, and will erase ten sins from him, and will raise him ten degrees in status.” 9

133 replies on “Three Easy Ways to Raise Your Rank in Jannah”
Assalamu Alaikum,
Really very very interesting and motivational thoughts to follow the sunnah.
Jazakallahu Khairan…
Wa Alaykum alsalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
Alhamdulillah, JazakAllah khair for reading Sherin 🙂
good article , simple tell us how to improve our level in Janaah which is very essential in next life
JazakAllah khair for the feedback!
MashAllah some beautiful reminders!
JazakiAllah khair for the comment sister, may Allah help us implement them!
Very inspiring! Jazakillahu khayr. May we attain the highest ranks in jannah , Aameen
JazakAllah for the comment Radiyyah
Ameen ya Rabb!
Alhumdullilah very inspiring! may Allah help us to get Jannah
Jazakallahu Khair Sis, I pray Allah reward you tremendously for this and I pray Allah reward us as well for reading it and make it easy for us to implement.
Ameen to your beautiful dua’s sister Aminah 🙂
[…] “In Paradise, there are a hundred levels, what is between every two levels is like what is between the heavens and the earth. Al-Firdaus is its highest level, and from it the four rivers of Paradise are made to flow forth…” 1 […]
Very very Great emotionnally and interesting mawaidha.May Allah Raise you rank in jannah brother.
Djazakallah khayri.
JazakAllah khair for the comment brother
Ameen, I am a sister by the way!
Jazakallah! This is really a hearttouching article and it’s the much needed article, May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala guide us and May Jannatul Firdaus be our final abode, Ameen
Alhamdulillah, JazakAllah khair for the comment
Ma sha Allah excellent reminder.
Alhamdulillah! May Allah accept it from us
Thank you for writing this sister. I am reminded and indeed, this is the sign from Allah himself. He found me astray, then He lead me to read this. and I really want to get back to Allah and kinda not sure what to do. as Ramadan will come soon, this is going to be in my to-do list. So, thank you for writing this hopeful article.
JazakAllah khair for leaving a comment, I am truly humbled..
Alhamdulillah, indeed it is Allah who guides us, may Allah show you the path that will lead you to become closer to Him and may He make it easy for us all to implement these tips
Slightly confusing. 100 levels and one prostration gets you up by one so that means I should be easily beyond a thousand by now? Just saying not that I am without sin or anything.
Mashallah nice to read it. Very motivational too. I really appreciate the way you make it so simple for us all to understand it using ahadith.
May Allah make these acts easy for us. Ameen
Jazakillahu khair a motivating and inspirational message
Alhamdulillah, I am glad you found it motivating and inspirational!
JazakAllah khair for your feedback!
Mashaa Allah! An amazing article.May Allah swt grant us all jannat ul firdous without hisaab and ability to do these.Ameen
JazakAllah khair for your feedback!
Ameen 🙂
Jazak Allah khair. May Allah help us to do what you suggested in your write up , amin.
Subhan Allah..beautiful guidance..jzk khair.
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for your feedback!
Mash Allah. Its very educative and helpful. May Allah reward you for this article. And may He give us the motivation to do these deeds as much as we can.
Alhamdulillah, I am glad you found it helpful!
Ameen thumma Ameen!
Alhamdulillah..the article helped to boost the emaan again…
Alhamdulillah, JazakiAllah khair for your feedback 🙂
I already feel fired up to benefit from Allah’s mercy. May Allah reward you for your efforts and help us to implement the good reminders and avoid evils. But kindly correct this error:
JazakAllah khair for pointing it out brother, it has been changed accordingly Alhamdulillah!
Ameen to your dua’!
SubhanaLlah wa bihamdihi. May Allah reward your effort. Very simple and practical.
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for your feedback!
Alhamdulillah, the article is very educative and motivational too. Jazak Allah Khair.
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for the feedback!
Beautiful and inspirational! If you think deeper, these are such small actions (read- ibadah) one can inculcate in her daily life with ease.. But thee result is so magnanimous! I guess the key is not in the magnitude but in being regular. Allah loves consistency in worship, even if it is the smallest of action!
Jazakallah khair dear sister.
Absolutely true Misha, consistency in doing good is the key!
JazakiAllah khair for your feedback 🙂
Masha Allah a very helpful reminder as we all are working towards Jannah may Allah make it easy for us. Allahumma inna nas’alukal firdausal a’ala Minal Jannah
Alhamdulillah, I am glad you found it helpful!
Ameen thumma Ameen!
Excellent reminder. Jazakillahu khairan.
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for your feedback!
Thank you for this article. Alhamdullilah!
You’re welcome! May Allah accept it!
SubhanAllah! Very motivating .
Great work
Alhamdulillah, I am happy you found it motivating sister Ayesha, may Allah make it easy for us to implement all the tips!
JazakiAllah khair for your feedback!
Assalamu alaikum,
It’s a job well done a motivational piece.
Wa alaykum alsalam
I am happy you found it motivational brother Usman, may Allah help us implement all the tips!
JazakAllah khair for your feedback!
Assalamualikum warahmatullah. It’s really very inspiring and motivational thoughts to follow the sunnah. May Almighty Allah grant us the ability to perform. Jazakallahu khairan Brother. May Almighty Allah grant you rewards in this world and thereafter.
Wa alaykum alsalam wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu,
I am glad you enjoyed reading it Khaleda 🙂
Ameen to your dua’!
I am a sister by the way!
MASHALLAH. it is the thing for which we should hastened toward. jazakALLAH
True! JazakAllah khair for your comment!
mashaAllah may Allah Ta alla bless u and give u endless blis for ur unimaginable articles.
JazakAllah khair for your comment!
May Allah bless you immensely for your hard work and for sharing such beautiful reminders, both in this world and in the hereafter. Jazakillahu khair sister Ibtihal ?
Ameen to your beautiful dua’ sister Fathima! <3
JazakiAllah khair for reading 🙂
May Allah accept it!
Assalamu Alaikum,
Alhamdulillah very inspiring advise indeed! May Allah subhanahuta’aalah raise evry mumeen’s ranks to Jannatul-Firdous. Aaameen.
Wa alaykum alsalam
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for the feedback!
Masha Allah
Jazakallahu khayran
JazakAllah khair for reading!
Mashallah… A wonderful reminder …we should not delay a second to grab this golden opportunity….
May Allah subhanahu WA talla accept your endeavors
Absolutely true! JazakAllah khair for the feedback!
Ameen to your dua’!
Assalaamualaikum wrwb. JazakiAllahuKhair for such great reminders,which r beautifully written. SubhanAllah Allahswt loves us so much that even a small deed elevates our levels.
Wa alaykum alsalam wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu,
That is true indeed! JazakAllah khair for your comment!
Asalamu alaikum jazaka Allahu khairan. Really inspirational.
Wa alaykum alsalam
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for the feedback!
JazakumuLlahu khaeran. this is highly inspirational and motivating.
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for the feedback!
Masha Allah, may Allah would reward you without measure.. ameen…
Thank you for the great reminder!!! May Allah SWT accept your efforts! Ameen Suma Ameen!
JazakAllah khair for the feedback!
an amazing reminder! easy to implement and tremendous rewards!
Alhamdulillah, JazakAllah khair for the feedback!
Thank You Sheima May Allah reward you immensely. This article is very useful may Allah make us easy all the honored deeds that will let us to enter Jannatul-Firdaws.
JazakAllah khair for the feedback, I am glad you found it useful!
Assalamu ‘Alaikum.
My first visit to this site and what an inspirational writing. Thank you very much!
Jazak Allahu Khairan.
Wa alaykum alsalam
Alhamdulillah, I am glad you enjoyed this article, jazakAllah khair for the feedback brother!
Your first but in sha Allah not your last visit to this site!
Jazak Allah may Allah grant you and all muslims jannat ilfirdaws.
Ameen sister Maryam! 🙂
Asalaamualaikum! I love how concise and excellent the reminders are. May we take benefit from it aameen. Jazakillah khairan 🙂
Wa alaykum alsalam
JazakAllah khair for the feedback!
Masha allah tabarak allah. ..Motivating nd persuading, urging ys to renew nd consolidate oyr iman. May allah swt accept this service from her nd reward her abundantly.
Alhamdulillah, I am glad you found this article useful Asra!
JazakAllah khair for the feedback and Ameen to your beautiful dua’ 🙂
As salaam alaikum…indeed it’s very interesting, may Almighty Allah continue to shower His blessings towards all who made the effort to enlighten us with these motivational reminders.
Wa alaykum alsalam
JazakAllah khair for the comment
A very good reminder…Jazakallahu Khairan…
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for the feedback!
This article is fabulous.It motivated me and InshaAllah I will definitely put it into practice
Alhamdulillah I am so happy that you feel motivated Lubna 🙂
May Allah make it easy for us all to put it into practice!
JazakiAllah khair for the feedback
Alhamdulillah, jazakAllah khair for the feedback!
Allahu Akbar. Jazakallahu Khairan my dear brother for this marvelous reminder. May Allah rewards you abundantly. My Allah also gives us the power to do our ibadat in the right way. May HE also give us HIS Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen. You have really awaken me.
Alhamdulillah, I am happy that you found this article useful, jazakAllah khair for the feedback!
Ameen to all your dua’s!
I am a sister by the way 🙂
May Allah gave us the understanding of the deen
Shu bhan allaha very very informative very simple to understand amazing and the best
JazakAllah for the feedback Meher!
Alhamdulillah, I am glad you found it useful, may Allah make it easy for us to implement all the tips!
Subhan’Allah…such beautiful reminders, mash’Allah. May your powerful article touch many hearts and cause us all to strive for, and in shaa Allah, meet one day, in Jannatul Firdous, ameen.
Ameen thumma Ameen Karen!
JazakAllah khair for the comment, may Allah accept it 🙂
Masha Allah..very beautiful and inspiring..thank you for this reminder May Allah reward you and May we All reunite in Aljannatul firdause.amin
Ameen to you beautiful dua’s sister Fatima 🙂
Alhamdulillah, I am happy you enjoyed reading it!
mashaallah i liked the article and it has helped me in remembrance.
jazaak allah khairan
Alhamdulillah I am glad you liked it Nayaab!
JazakAllah khair for the comment
Really, I appreciate this article and this beautiful islamic information – may Allah subhan watalah guide us on right path and bless us to do the good deeds. Aameen.
Alhamdulillah, I am glad you enjoyed reading it brother! JazakAllah Khair
Thank you a lot for this dhikr,may Allah subhanah Wataala bless you
Jazzaakallah khaira
JazakAllah khair for the feedback!
The good thing about the article is that it is action oriented. You read, understand, then act. On top of that, the hadith quotes are indeed motivating to act upon. May Allah make it easy for all of us to act upon this reminder. May Allaah reward the author with Firdausil A’alaa
Ameen to your dua’s brother Said!
Alhamdulillah, I am glad you found the article useful. JazakAllah khair for the feedback, much appreciated!
[…] “In Paradise, there are a hundred levels, what is between every two levels is like what is between the heavens and the earth. Al-Firdaus is its highest level, and from it the four rivers of Paradise are made to flow forth…” 1 […]
Barakallahufeeki this really captivated my heart !!!
Alhamdulillah, jazakiAllah khair for your comment dear sister 🙂
Wa feeki barakAllah!
Assalamu Alaikum,
The article is excellent, Jazakallahu Khairan.
Wa alaykum alsalam brother Mohammad
JazakAllah khair for your feedback, much appreciated!
ma sha Allah! thank you for this article. may we all be able to act upon these sincerely..
You’re welcome Eliz, jazakAllah khair for your comment 🙂
Ameen to your dua’!
Jazak Allah khair sister. This article is very beneficial. May Allah bless you for your efforts. Ameen
Wa iyyaki Shirin! Alhamdulillah, I am glad you found the article beneficial, do share it with your friends and family too 🙂
Ameen to your beautiful dua’!
Masha Allah. very nicely written points . It’s motivating to think about them and follow them sincerely.
Jazaak Allaahu Khairan
sometimes we know many things but we need to refresh that in our minds to keep and get motivated
Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing such a great knowledge. May Allaah reward you with Jannathul Firdouse for sharing this article and make us to think about that.
MashaAllah,best reminders indeed.
masha allah very helpful
MASTER PIECE ! You are giving interesting information through which Muslim ummah an follow these instruction & can raise their standards in akhirat !
[…] to Allah but He will raise you in status one degree thereby and erase from you one sin.” 3 SubhanAllah, pondering on these ahadith shows us how merciful Allah is. One prostration, reflect […]