1. She was known for her noble character, and the people of the Quraish would call her, “The Pure and Chaste One.” 1
2. She was the first woman that the Messenger of Allah () married, and he didn’t marry any other woman until she died. 2
3. As a wife, she:
- Was a suitable companion, trusted counselor and helper,
- Helped the Prophet (
) during difficult times,
- Participated alongside him in spreading the message of Islam. 3
4. Ibn Ishaq said: “The Prophet never heard any unpleasant thing from her whenever she talked to him.” 4
5. She gave birth to 2 of the Prophet’s sons and 4 daughters.
2 Sons: Al-Qaasim and ‘Abdullah (At-Taahir /At-Tayyibb)
Both passed away at a very young age.
4 Daughters: Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom and Fatimah. ()
They all embraced Islam, married, and migrated to Al-Madeenah 5
6. Khadeejah () was the first woman, or rather the first person, to believe in the Prophet (
). 6 immediately. This is the consensus of the historians and writers of the life history of the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam). 7
7. She was also the first person to hear the revealed Verses from the mouth of the Messenger of Allah () and the first person to recite the Quran. 8
8. She had invested all her wealth in the cause of Allah. She spent generously spent without making any mention of what she had spent, especially during the years of sanction in the alleys of Abu Talib. 9
9. She also showed kindness to the weak and poor Muslims. She was very generous to them and was really and deservedly entitled to be called ‘Mother of the faithful’. She was the first mother of the faithful in every sense. 10
10. The first person who learned how to pray from the Messenger of Allah (). 11
11. “Abu Hurayrah () narrated:
“Jibreel came to the Prophet (
) and said: ‘Here is Khadijah coming to you with a bowl of condiment or food or drink. When she comes to you, convey to her the greeting of peace from her Lord and from me, and give her the tiding of a house in Paradise built of Qasab wherein there will be neither any noise nor any fatigue (trouble)”” 12
12. The Prophet () remained married to Khadeejah (
) until she died at the age of 65. 13
13. Her death was one of the saddest experiences of the Messenger of Allah (). 14
14. One of the ladies of the Quraish, Khawlah bint Hakim, visited the Prophet () to console him, and saw his state of depression and grief and remarked on it. He replied it was only natural that he should be touched by her absence, as she had been a loving mother to his now neglected children; she had been a loyal and sympathetic wife who shared his secrets. It was only human and natural that he should feel her loss as she was there for him during his most difficult times. 15
15. The Prophet () said about The mother of the believers, Khadeejah(
‘She believed in me while the people disbelieved in me. And she trusted in me while the people belied me. And she helped and comforted me in person and in wealth when the people would not. Allah provided me with children by her, and He did not with others.’ 16
16. In it recorded in Sahīh Muslim from Ā’ishah () that the Prophet (
) used to slaughter sheep and he would say: “Send it to the friends of Khadijah.” So I mentioned this action of his to him one day and he said: “I love those whom she loved.” Do you find any faithfulness that is better than this? Certainly life can’t be more beautiful than the one spent under the shade of Islām but most men do not realize (this). 17
17. The Messenger of Allah () said: “The best of the women of Paradise are Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid, Faatimah bint Muhammad, Aasiyah bint Mazaahim the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam bint ‘Imraan – may Allaah be pleased with them.” 18
18. It was narrated from Anas that the Prophet () said:
“Sufficient for you among the women of the world are Maryam the daughter of ‘Imraan. Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid, Faatimah bint Muhammad and Aasiyah the wife of Pharaoh.” 19
- “The Noble life of The Prophet, Vol. 1” by Ali Muhammad al-Sallaabee, 2005, p. 106 ↩
- “The Noble life of The Prophet, Vol. 1” by Ali Muhammad al-Sallaabee, 2005, p. 107 ↩
- “The Noble life of The Prophet, Vol. 1” by Ali Muhammad al-Sallaabee, 2005, p. 108 ↩
- “Women Around the Messenger”, by Muhammad ‘Ali Qutb, p. 45 ↩
- “The Noble life of The Prophet, Vol. 1” by Ali Muhammad al-Sallaabee, 2005, p. 107 ↩
- “The Noble life of The Prophet, Vol. 1” by Ali Muhammad al-Sallaabee, 2005, p. 153 ↩
- “Women Around the Messenger”, by Muhammad ‘Ali Qutb, p. 43 ↩
- “The Noble life of The Prophet, Vol. 1” by Ali Muhammad al-Sallaabee, 2005, p. 154 ↩
- “Women Around the Messenger”, by Muhammad ‘Ali Qutb, p. 45 ↩
- “Women Around the Messenger”, by Muhammad ‘Ali Qutb, p. 46 ↩
- “The Noble life of The Prophet, Vol. 1” by Ali Muhammad al-Sallaabee, 2005, p. 154 ↩
- Reported in the Sahīh of Bukhari and Muslim ↩
- “The Noble life of The Prophet, Vol. 1” by Ali Muhammad al-Sallaabee, 2005, p. 110 ↩
- “Women Around the Messenger”, by Muhammad ‘Ali Qutb, p. 47 ↩
- “Great Women of Islam”, by Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar, p. 30 ↩
- Musnad Imam Ahmad 6/118 ↩
- Men and Women Around the Messenger by Sa’d Yusuf Abu ‘Aziz, p. 518 ↩
- Narrated by Ahmad, 2663. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1135 ↩
- Narrated and classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi, 3878 ↩
26 replies on “The Best Generation [Part two]:Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid (May Allah be pleased with her)”
May her soul be blessed.
May Allah bless you for sharing with us. Ameen
I like to learn more about Islam please guide me.
thank you so much
i wana learn more about islam so how can i
can you help me
how can i be so close to my lord( ALLAH)
Jazakallahu khairan,May Allah grant us all jannatul firdaus.Amin
thank u alot,God bless u.
Jazakallaha khair
Mashallah very nice collection of Hadith
Humble gratitude to writer for sharing may Allah forgive all of us.
Please post and send by email some article about Islam for kids
speechless, I pray I have a wife like khadijah
Sukran .for msg
Masha allah
Thank you for the enlightment.
May ALLAH ALMIGHTY contineu to enrich u with knowlegde and sawer it blessing on u Amin.
JazakhaAllah khairan!
may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
Jazakallah Khairun, so informative and I am proud to be a Muslim to share such a wonderful deen
may ALLAH,grand her,ALI-GINEH,thank u for the information,indeed she was a mother of all faithful.
Subhanallah. What a very inspiring story. Many lessons to learn from.
Can we use your info graphs in our own website with your name on it?
[…] The Best Generation [Part two]:Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid (May Allah be pleased with her) – IOU … […]
Assalamu alaikum do you have more articles on sahabiyat and umm ul mumineen coz I found only two taht is on fatima( ra) and khadija (ra).and I would b happy if u make on rasullah( swa) and his companions .this chart is so amazing ma sha Allah .