Are you looking for a halal family activity that can get all the members in your household hooked? Muslim Central is here to provide you with just that. With countless audios and videos from various Islamic speakers from around the world, we are on journey to create a perfect opportunity to help you share some precious time with your family by listening to speeches from famous da’ees and shuyookh, as you get around doing your day-to-day chores.
Muslim Central was created to bring speeches of various speakers under one roof in order to help you access the plethora of lectures with a simple click of a button. Being the official Audio uploader of Mufti Ismail Menk, Shaykh Bilal Ismail and others, we have managed to compile hundreds of audios to help the Muslim ummah enlighten themselves without having to step out of their houses.
What we provide:
- Islamic Audio Lectures
- Short Video Reminders
- Quran recitation
Visit them at https://www.muslimcentral.com
and at https://www.qurancentral.com/
Why Muslim Central
We are living in an age where access to speakers from across the world is right under our fingertips. With numerous speakers sharing their invaluable knowledge to the masses, we are indeed blessed to be able to access information instantly, as opposed to our predecessors who had to travel for miles just to get hold of a single hadeeth, subhanAllah.
So, you might be wondering what’s so special about us. Read on.
Under One Platform:
We tend to face major hurdles when searching for specific topics or specific speakers because of the vastness of the World Wide Web. With multiple links and websites available, the chances of you losing your way while navigating to look for a specific speaker or topics are very high. Muslim Central is home to more than 10,000 speeches by 89 speakers and channels from around the world, helping you get to your favored speaker/topic with ease.
Each Speaker has the following:
- Islamic Lectures Page on the Website
- Android App
- iTunes Audio Podcast
- RSS Podcast Feed
This means you can listen to content from any device on any platform, including third-party Podcast Apps. This is what makes MC unique, you can have multiple devices but a single source of content.
No Adverts:
We believe in 0% prompts or adverts, therefore, you get to listen to your favorite speaker without getting interrupted by adverts that not only take up our precious time but also cause our minds to divert into inconsequential matters.
Authentic information:
With speakers who stick to the Quran and Sunnah, you can access authentic information without having to fear about the reliability or trustworthiness of the content shared by various shuyook and daees.
Saves time:
You don’t have to do multiple searches on Google or YouTube to zero in on a particular speaker you want to listen to. We have all the speeches and speakers organized systematically, helping you navigate the website with ease.
What’s more, we are 100 % FREE, so you don’t have to worry about paying for anything anywhere. We do appreciate donations to cover on-going costs.
What else do you get?
We deliver a weekly email to help you stay updated, so there is very minimal chance of you missing out on important lectures or losing out on any speaker’s latest talk.
Play whenever and wherever:
This is your chance to learn about Islam by sitting at the comforts of your house. You can quickly play an audio while driving or waiting at the parking area, doing household chores or just sitting as a family and listening to something beneficial, helping you learn and grow in dunya and akhirah inshaAllah.
Other social media:
We are also available on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Earn multiple good deeds:
While acquiring knowledge has never been so easy, here is a quick way to accumulate good deeds too. Share this article with your friends and family. For every piece of knowledge, they gain from listening to audios on our website because of your insistence, Allah will place the same number of good deeds into your account. This is a quick way to fill your book with good deeds inshaAllah.
So, remember to check out our website now and spread the khair.
One reply on “Muslim Central – What and Why”
Jazakallahu Khair. May Allah accept it as a source of ibadah for you