For Part I, click here.
Still guessing what that ONE question is?
It is the same as you imagined the stranger asking you.
‘Who are you?’
Take a minute or two to answer, then read through the O.D.D.S formula below to reinforce your definition.
Using the O.D.D.S Formula to Develop, Maintain and Model True Islamic Identity
O: Open-up. Open-up to Allah . Awaken your consciousness of Him as the All-Seeing and All-Hearing.
Then make it a daily goal to remember Him in whatever you do. After all, you are the needy servant and He is Rich and free of all needs. Such strong relationship with Allah
will enable you turn to Him as your only Helper and the One to guide you through your identity issues and struggles.
Remember Allah knows what you hide or make apparent, so open-up to Him. He
“O Adam, inform them of their names.” And when he had informed them of their names, He said, “Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:33)
Try this: Make a resolve for every act you perform, to do it sincerely for His sake while remembering that He is All-Seeing and All-Hearing. Pray with devotion and consciousness of Him, eat your meals with a sincere intention and focus on your studies and learning to gain beneficial knowledge – to benefit yourself and the Ummah – not for showing off.
D: Du’a and Dhikr Drive. You need to make du’a for courage, sincerity, perseverance, steadfastness, dignity and wisdom like our Prophet . These positive qualities will help you pull through challenges like inner whispers and doubts about your identity.
You also need to engage in constant remembrance for a calm heart and purified soul, to keep you connected with Allah .
Try this: Make morning and evening adkhaar, engage in adhkaar while indoors and outdoors, start all deeds with bismillah, make dua for friends and loved ones in their absence, always say alhamdulillah.
”…Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Ar-Ra’d, 13:28)
D: Daily Drills. Take action with small, daily and consistent habits.
Be deliberate with those habits through your outward behavior such as modest dressing, spreading salaam and inviting people towards Islam. Look for ways to reach out and impact sincerely with these habits even if in little ways.
Try this: Model what Islamic identity is all about kind words, smiling, charity, engaging with others positively and inviting to the truth. Strive to be a good role model and mentor in your home, school and community.
A’isha said that Rasulullah
said: “The deeds most loved by Allah (are those) done regularly, even if they are small.” 1
S: Support System. You need a righteous support network to help you maintain your true identity. A network to share experiences with, get advice and learn about ways to enhance your identity.

Each day, you will get tested and tried in different ways. You will face challenges, threats, frustrations and other issues especially regarding your identity.

Reality Check

- Bukhari and Muslim ↩
24 replies on “How to Develop, Maintain and Model True Islamic Identity (Part 2)”
Amazing article Ma sha Allah ?
MashaAllah, such a great article to remind us what our real priorities should be. May Allah swt reward you sister for caring enough to share this encouragement with us. Alhamdulillah. Assalam o Alaikum.
Wa alaykum salaam dear Aafiya.
May Allah (swt) keep us steadfast on our real priorities.
Allah will reward you jannah or great knowledg you are sharing
Amin to your beautiful du’a Juma. Keep reading and taking action.
Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah. Basically this is a great article. A lots of encouragement, achievement in it,perhaps may Allah enabled us to use the lessons been from it. And may he make it beneficial to us and others particular
Insha Allah dear brother. May we be able to act on all that we learn each day.
MashaAllah, such a great article. May Allah swt reward you for caring enough to share this encouragement with us. Alhamdulillah.
I personal agree with what is written here.This are da challenges faced by youth,especially muslims.
Indeed, they are the challenges of our time. Jazaakaallah for reading and commenting.
Thanks for sharing the great knowledge. may Allah swt reward you.
Thank you for reading. Baarakallahu fih.
Masha Allah!!
Amina. Jazakumullahu khayran!
Wa iyyaka Brother.
[…] How to Develop, Maintain and Model True Islamic Identity (Part 2) http://blog.islamiconlineuniversity.com/how-to-develop-maintain-and-model-true-islamic-identity-part… […]
In fact, I read the first part, it’s a wonderful thing to know more about this matter. To have an identity is completely important, however, to lose one like Islamic identity , as we see today, is a great shame
mashaALLAH such a great articles,may ALLAH swt reward you sister, jazakallahu khayrn
Wa iyyak. May Allah (swt) increase us all in beneficial knowledge.
Masha Allah
JazakAllah khairan for such a beneficial piece of writing. I think the part where I fall short is continuation of the habits. And learning new good habits is easy but I find it difficult abstaining from the negative ones
[…] tuned for Part 2 to read about some awesome strategies for both your inner spiritual and outward personality […]
[…] A’isha said that Rasulullah said: “The deeds most loved by Allah (are those) done regularly, even if they are small.” 1 […]