*Thank you*

We appreciate you taking your time out in serving this ummah through your writings. May Allah accept it from you and reward you for it. Jazakumallahu khairan. As-salamu ‘aleikum wa rahmatullah.


Once your articles has been received, it will be reviewed by the IOU editorial team. Based upon that, the following situations can occur:

– Approved: Your article has met our standards and it will be scheduled for publication. One of our team members will contact you with further details.

– Edits Required: Content of your article has met our standards; however, it needs further edits and rewrites. One of our team members will contact you with further details.

– Declined: Your article has not met our standards either by its content or it will require too many edits from our side. Your article will be declined without any further communication from our side.

Please allow about 2-3 weeks for our team to review your submitted article. As per above, you will only be contacted if your article has been approved or require further editing from your side.

We thank you for your cooperation and patience.